Aaron Schaefer

Realtor and Auctioneer

About Aaron Schaefer

MOBILE: 260-701-7653
EMAIL: aaronschaefer4@gmail.com

Aaron Schaefer is a Realtor and Auctioneer at Homes at Ohio’s Edge Realty, where he assists buyers and sellers with selling or purchasing real estate. As an auctioneer, he can help sellers by offering auction services of real property and personal chattels.

Aaron is a licensed real estate agent in Ohio, and a licensed auctioneer in Ohio, Indiana and Tennessee.

Aaron is also a lifelong farmer, raising grain and livestock, with a focus on superior breeding stock. He specializes in Kiko goats and Dorper sheep. In addition to being a Realtor and Auctioneer, he is also a licensed Farrier and Equine Dentist.


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